Working together, we can turn healthcare challenges into opportunities to reduce risk. We’re committed to providing value and peace of mind to healthcare professionals through data-driven insights on the factors that drive medical professional liability (MPL) risk and to coach your organization through harm events and adverse outcomes.

Our responsive team includes a diverse set of healthcare backgrounds—nurses, attorneys, educators, plus organizational, regulatory and communication experts, and more. With decades of experience, we’re here to answer your questions, address issues, share malpractice claim data and offer informed solutions.

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Our team of risk consultants is here for you when you need help managing any issue, large or small. Whether it’s timely advice on a harm event or help assessing your risks, our consultants bring years of expertise and knowledge on a broad range of issues.

Risk consultation

Our consultants are available by email, phone or virtual meetings to advise, counsel and problem solve. Whether you’re thinking proactively before harm occurs, or whether you’re strategizing to improve after something unexpected happened, our goal is to be your partner to minimize risk. We can bring an MPL lens to help you fix gaps and stay up to date on best practices with the aid of in-depth, focused evaluations of risk practices at policyholder organizations. Our customized assessments help identify areas of risk and create actionable plans to help you fix gaps and stay up-to-date on best practices. Our recommendations can help you improve your clinical operations, minimize your risk, implement best practices and more.

Advice anytime with Bundled Solutions

After business hours or anytime, policyholders can sign in and search online in our Bundled Solutions, which include comprehensive resources for trending hot topics like OB Risk Solutions, Preventing Diagnostic Error or Basic Risk Management. Policyholders can sign in to find sample policies and procedures, plus a wealth of resources to help improve processes, bolster patient safety and minimize risks.

Take one of our online and mobile self-assessments to help you identify potential gaps in best practices across your organization. Topics include clinics, long-term care, emergency department, obstetrics, and more. Based on your responses, our consultants can help you identify action plans to address your most pressing issues.

Early intervention offers a better way forward for all involved

Harm events can cause ripples of hurt—for patients, care teams and healthcare organizations. HEAL helps your organization prepare for harm events so you can respond quickly and effectively. HEAL’s four core services include:

  • Clinician peer support—Benefit: Provider wellbeing
  • Risk consultation—Benefit: Improved processes
  • Communication assistance—Benefit: Strengthened relationships
  • Expert case review—Benefit: Accelerated insights

We analyze client claim data to highlight the claim-triggering allegations so you can understand the occurrence and costs involved. We don’t stop there —our team creates tools and resources to help you prevent risks on the top MPL claim drivers. Sign in to access available risk reports on hospital, nursing, emergency department claims and more.

Our analytics team works closely with our risk consultants to analyze claim data for valuable insights and more:

  • Identification of hidden areas of clinical vulnerability and financial loss
  • Benchmarking comparisons between peers
  • Drill-downs into areas of vulnerability to gain a deeper understanding of causal factors
  • Data-informed risk interventions and actionable risk mitigation strategies
  • Customized reports are available to policyholders with adequate claim history

We see the stress, long hours, paperwork, and near-impossible schedules that physicians and healthcare teams endure on a daily basis. We’re committed to supporting physicians and other healthcare professionals in their efforts to be healthy and stay connected to their personal and professional mission and purpose.

Clients can sign in to MyAccount to access the WellBeing Center to find a broad range of relevant and timely resources tailored specifically to healthcare professionals. You can find short self-assessments, book recommendations, videos and support communities. The road to wellbeing isn’t always easy, but we are committed to helping you get there.